The Winner of the 2011 Royal Rumble....Alberto Del Rio
This was a truly, truly magical night for the sport of professional wresting. There are certain events that happen in history that you will always remember what you were doing, and where you were at. The OJ Simpson verdict, 9/11, Barack Obama becoming President, and now Alberto Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble. It is because of hard work and determination, Del Rio will now be able to headline/main event the biggest event of the year. It is with great pride that I will be able to tell my great grand children that I witnessed this historic moment in history.
The Royal Rumble can have some of the greatest moments, but it can also have a few bad ones as well. In honor of the rumble being 24 hours away, here are just couple of those moments
The 1992 Royal Rumble will always be the greatest rumble of all time. Just ask anyone who was a fan of pro wrestling in the late 80's and 90's. Ric Flair lasting for 59 minutes and elimating Sid Justice to win the championship should be the first thing they think of when the name Royal Rumble is uttered. The only other moment in Royal Rumble history that beats it is Ric Flair's promo after winning the title. Which by the way, I consider the world's greatest wrestling promo ever caught on film.
I hate to say I told you so, but .....I told you so. It really doesn't get any better than that. Just look at Mr Perfect and The Brain smiling with joy. Then you have Mean Gene telling someone to "Put that cigarette out", which I would love to hear the story behind that. Was there really someone smoking a cigarette during that interview or did Mean Gene just pull that out of his ass? Either way it's awesome. That promo is what pro wrestling is all about, and that is why Ric Flair is "A Wrestling God".
I realize that was a very cheezy title for this post, but I couldn't help myself. I decided to post this video in honor of the 24th annual Royal Rumble to get everyone in the mood for this Sunday. There will be 40 participants this year in "The Rumble" and that makes me wonder if the WWE currently even has 40 wrestlers on their roster. Maybe we'll get treated by some surprise entries such as TL Hooper, Salvatore Sincere, or Beaver Cleavage. By the way, my money is on Alberto Del Rio.
It has been well documented that Andre could drink his fair share of alcohol. Dusty Rhode once said that Andre once drank 197 cans of 16oz beers in one sitting. That’s almost 25 gallons of beer! So if it took that many beers to get him drunk, just think about how women he could go through in bed.
Psycho Sid was arrested on Friday for not wearing his seatbelt and driving without a license.....oh yeah, and for having possession of marijuana. Now I understand the seatbelt and driving without a license, but the marijuana. Don't the police know that Sid had suffered serious mental problems in 1995, 1996, 1997. Hence the nickname, Psycho Sid. Or the fact that he is "The (self-proclaimed) Master and Ruler of the World". Or the fact that he had a near career-ending injury in WCW when snapped his left leg in half in 2001. I mean, I think you should have to right to smoke marijuana everyday if that happened to you. Police of Memphis, Tennessee, leave Sid Vicious alone. Besides, shouldn't you be jerking off to Jerry Lawler anyway?
Classic..........Classic. There were two moments in late 1991 that would cause me to yell at the tv and to punch the hardwood floor. First one was when Ric Flair slid the folding chair in the ring for The Undertaker to tombstone Hulk Hogan and win the title. The second one was when the dastardly Jake "The Snake" Robert attacked a vulnerable Macho Man with his snake. Wow, that didn't sound gay at all. WWF President Jack Tunney would then prohibit Jake from bringing his snake to the ring after this incident. Weeks later, at the "Tuesday in Texas" pay-per-view, Jack Tunney also had to escort Roberts from ringside after his match with Savage, following the post-match beatdown of Savage and slapping Miss Elizabeth's face.
Here's some more examples of the WWE Superstars lookalikes down in FCW. We desperately need more Indy promotions to start up, because these cookie cutter produced wrestlers won’t do. There will never be another Jake “The Snake” Robert, Dusty Rhodes, or Roddy Rowdy Pipper if we keep this up. Even if your handed a script telling every word for you to say, you need to be able to make people believe in what your saying. Alright, I’ll get off my soapbox for now. Thanks to Brother Fike for helping pick out some more clones.
The most recent arrival to the WWE Universe doesn’t look like Batista, he IS Batista. I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi when he discovers that an army of clone trooper is being secretly produced for the Republic in “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones”. I think Vince just might have a cloning lab over there in Stamford, Connecticut. I realize I can only compare Mason Ryan to Batista strictly based on his looks, since he has only been on Raw for less than a week. For some reason though, I’m willing to bet that they have the same wrestling moves in their arsenal. The only thing that “Batista Lite” is missing is a sweet belly button tattoo.
Larry Shango had to live in the shadows of his younger brother Papa for much of the early and mid 90’s. But what many people don’t know that it was Larry who was famous long before his brother was making The Ultimate Warrior sweat black ink and puke pea soup. The year was 1973. The movie was “Live and Let Die”. Larry Shango was casted for the part of “Baron Samedi”, who many consider one of the greatest Bond villain of all time. Larry would go on to have guest staring roles on TV shows such as “Mork and Mindy” and “Eight is Enough”.
Larry’s acting career came to a sudden stop in the early 1980’s due to excessive cocaine use. Currently, Mr. Shango is the district manager of seven Pamida stores in eastern Iowa.
Larry Shango was voted "Manager or Year" for 1995 and 1998
“It was such a thrill to be part of the movies that I did in the 70’s. Also, the commercial work I did for Cornflakes and Irish Springs were a blast too. At a certain point it became just a job. Luckily after a three week long cocaine binge, I found my true calling……..Retail. We here at Pamida are proud to offer the best deals on discounted merchandise to the entire Midwest. Kmart, We’re coming for you!” - Larry Shango
Interesting side note: This clip below also features a sibling, Jimmy Kimmel's twin african brother as the announcer.
I realize that WWE has released a Macho Man DVD and a couple different action figures, but this is actually The Macho Man Randy Savage pitching a WWE Video Game. Now we just need Slim Jim to come to their senses. Dig it!
Is the WWE trying to recreate the magic that was once The Heartbreak Kid and Big Daddy Cool? Or should I say WAS, because it appears that Jackson Andrews has already been sent back to FCW for more training. Regardless, I couldn’t help but to think of the former tag team champions of the world (The Kliq) every time Tyson and Jackson were on WWE TV. Tyson Kidd had just parted ways with David Hart Smith when his bodyguard showed up. Shawn Michaels had been broken up Marty Jannetty for roughly one and half years before his “Insurance Policy” showed up on Monday Night Raw in June of 1993.
So I would like to point out a couple thing. See picture posted above:
1. Both Diesel and Andrew sport a mean black goatee
2. Shawn and Tyson are both smaller and cocky
3. Diesel is 6ft 11in and Jackson is 7ft 1in. Very close 4. Both Shawn and Tyson are very skilled wrestlers, while their partners main moves are a Big Boot, Chokeslam, Elbow Drop, or Corner Foot Choke 5. Shawn Michaels has a mullet and Tyson Kidd has a… weird…reverse skullet thing with spiked tips, not sure what to call it
Anyway my point is that Tyson Kidd and Jackson Andrews are just a Poorman's Shawn Michaels and Diesel. Maybe someday we can hope for Tyson and Jackson to headline a In Your House and a future Wrestlemania. Fingers Crossed