The Poorman's Batista: Mason Ryan

The most recent arrival to the WWE Universe doesn’t look like Batista, he IS Batista. I feel like Obi-Wan Kenobi when he discovers that an army of clone trooper is being secretly produced for the Republic in “Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones”. I think Vince just might have a cloning lab over there in Stamford, Connecticut. I realize I can only compare Mason Ryan to Batista strictly based on his looks, since he has only been on Raw for less than a week. For some reason though, I’m willing to bet that they have the same wrestling moves in their arsenal. The only thing that “Batista Lite” is missing is a sweet belly button tattoo.
HA! If he has seven moves in his arsenal that'll be two more than the animal. And he's probably no where as big an asshole as Dave. So this guy is FCW champ, head over to the talent section of their website and see more proof of the cloning sith lord Emperor McMahon has going. See if you can find Lashley, Rey Mysterio, and CM punks back up clone