Monday, May 9, 2011

Smackdown Review 5/6/11

We kick off this edition of Smackdown with a promo about Christian’s Title win at the Extreme Rules PPV. The best line is at the end of this video package: “Tonight, celebrate the kickoff to Christian’s championship reign on Smackdown”.

Christian then comes to the ring and says that he has dreamed of this moment ever since he was a little kid. For some reason I don’t think he dreamed that it would only last two whole days , and be ended because of Cowboy Bob’s son.

He goes on to say that if there was no Edge there would be no Christian, and that he loved him. He also thanked the WWE Universe and all of the Peeps. Then Mark Henry’s music starts playing and we have old Sexual Chocolate himself coming down the ramp. Is it already time for the Mark Henry push that seems to happen every three years?

Booker makes a comment about how the evil smile on Mark Henry’s face as of late really scares him. Henry says that he wants a title shot. Then the Great Khali comes down and says he wants a title shot as well. Then Randy Orton comes out and says he wants a title shot. Luckily, Teddy Long comes down to the ring to put things in order.

Teddy said that he will let the WWE Universe decide who will get the title shot against Christian. Of course they picked Randy Orton, but we all know deep down in side we all wanted The Great Khali to get the shot. So it looks like we’ll be getting a Randy Orton vs. Christian for Title tonight in the main event.

Match#1 Sheamus vs. Daniel Bryan Danielson. Josh Matthews makes a comment about how Bryan is the Ryan Reynolds of the WWE. Cole says “He the Green Lantern?” No Michael Cole, he is actually a guy that works with another guy and a girl, at a pizza place. Sheamus wins with two Brogue Kicks to the head of Bryan. These two fellas had a pretty decent match.
Winner: Sheamus

Cody Rhodes comes out wearing a business suit and followed by the paper bag handlers. They also have the lights turned down low, which is a very nice touch to Cody’s character. He does his promo about Rey and how ugly the audience is. He then has his lackies hand out the paper bag masks.

Match #2 Big Show vs. Ezekiel Jackson. The Corre is ringside, so this causes Kane to come down to be in Show’s corner. Jackson wins and The Corre try to celebrate with him, but Big Ez is having none of it and storms off. They then cut to a recap of The Rock’s birthday party on Monday.
Winner: Ezekiel Jackson

Match #3 Layla vs. Alicia Fox. Layla gets the pin and then we get a visit from Kharma after the match. The WWE might do some things that are very questionable, i.e. Dropping wrestling from their name, giving Mark Henry a push every three years, going PG, etc, but at least they how to use/build up Kong (so far). Kharma came down and dominates Alicia and hits the Implant Buster.
Winner: Layla

Backstage: The Corre is on the hunt for Jackson. Once they find him in the back, they get all up in his face and he takes them all on. The Corre finally over power Ahmed Johnson… I mean Ezekiel Jackson and tip a towel bin on top of him. That’ll teach him.

Match #4 Sin Cara vs. Tyson Kidd. This is another example of the WWE building up someone the right way. These two worked a good fast paced match with a lot of cool spots. I think it was a great decision to put Sin Cara on Smackdown. Simply for the reason that it’s a taped show and you can edit any botched spots. Cara uses the Moonsault Side Slam to get the pin. After the match Chavo gets in ring and shakes Sin Cara’s hand, but does the classic 80’s action movie handshake where he pulls him in close. Chavo then smiles and stares down Sin Cara as he leaves.
Winner: Sin Cara

Match #5 Randy Orton vs. Christian. Well here we have it, the main event. This was a really good match, mainly for the fact that both guys worked their asses off. Orton hit the Angle Slam and followed it up with a RKO as Christian was jumping from the second rope. It appears that the live crowd didn’t care at all that Christian had just lost the title. They were definitely on Team Orton. After Orton had left, they gave Christian a weak applause as he walked out.
Winner and New Champion: Randy Orton

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