Saturday, March 5, 2011

Impact outside of the Impact Zone

I give TNA two thumbs up for their recent episode of Impact. Just by having it somewhere other than the Impact Zone made the show have a whole different feel to it. It made it feel like TNA could be a legitimate contender to the empire that is WWE. Instead of just having a bunch of tourists watching your show live just because they happen to be at Universal Studios when a taping is going on, you now have real wrestling fans and people that are excited be there. I really hope that they continue in this direction, and judging by the rating they got on Thursday, they will.

1 comment:

  1. I just watched Impact and I was very impressed. There's still some questionable things they're doing (Hernandez, Hogan, the Jersey Shore Guy) but I can't agree with you more about not having it at Universal.

    Remember when WCW had the Worldwide tapings there every week? Nothing but tourists. People in fanny packs and ill fitting shorts that just got off the Jaws ride coming over to take a few pictures. No entrance pops, just a mess.
