Sunday, February 20, 2011

Elimination Chamber 2011 Review

Match #1) Alberto Del Rio beat Kofi Kingston
    - Surprise Surprise Del Rio won
    - Good opening match
    - Kofi had some great spots

Match #2) Elimination Chamber #1 Smackdown
Order of entering             Order of elimination
1.Edge                             1. Wade Barrett
2. Rey Mysterio               2. Big Show
3. Wade Barrett               3. Drew McIntyre
4.Kane                            4. Kane
5.Drew McIntyre             5. Rey Mysterio
6. Big Show                     6. Winner: Edge

- Rey was abused during this match. He was thrown like a lawn dart by Drew and then Kane
- Edge double speared Rey and Kane
- Edge won with a spear to Rey when he was in mid air
- Awesome match (mostly because of the last 10 minutes with Rey and Edge)
- 1st time in 5 years the title has been retained
- Del Rio then came down and attacked Edge
- Christian returned and made the save

Then there was a backstage interview with Jerry Lawler
- This was the most serious I have seen The King be

Then Booker T announced Trish Stratus as one of the new Tough Enough coaches
- She still looks hot

Then there was one sweet commercial for "The Chaperone
- They actually said "Think Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten Cop, but better"

Match #3) Heath Slater & Justin Gabriel beat Santino & Kozlov
- New Tag Champs
- Could of been a main event on Sunday Night Heat

Then Vickie came out to tremendous heat and ask the people to Twitter and Facebook Teddy Long to get Dolf rehired
- Teddy came out and said he was in a hiring mood, but not with Dolf
- He hired Kelly Kelly back and she beat up Vickie
- Laycool came out and made the save
- Then Trish came and took out Laycool
- She botched a couple move, mainly because she decided to wear heels to the ring

Match #4 Miz beat The King
- Alex Riley got kicked out from ringside by the ref
- The highlight of the match was when Lawler threw Miz on to Michael Cole

Backstage they showed John Cena eating Fruity Pebbles

Match #5 Elimination Chamber #2 Raw
Order of entering            Order of Elimination
1. Morrison                    1. CM Punk
2. Sheamus                    2. R-Truth
3. Orton                         3. Orton
4. CM Punk                   4. Sheamus
5. Cena                          5. Morrison
6. R-Truth                      6. CM Punk
7. CM Punk                   7. Winner John Cena

- CM Punk's door got stuck and then he got eliminated a minute later
- The GM reversed the elimination
- CM Punk mocked Orton's viper fit he does and then followed up with a GTS
      - P.S. Punk is awesome
- Morrison climbed the top of the dome and dropped down on Sheamus to eliminate him
      - P.S. Morrison is Spiderman
- Morrison sold the hell out of a leg injury when he hit one of the pods
- Punk hit the GTS on Morrison to eliminate him
- Cena then hit the Attitude Adjuster on the steel floor to win and go to Wrestlemania 27 and face The Miz

Overall good PPV, Thanks to Edge, Rey, Punk, and Morrison


  1. Oh Trish.... Her talent and hotness have been sorely missed. Sad how todays wrestling fan almost doesn't even know who she is cause that ovation should been bigger. Like possibly the greatest diva ever. Heels were a bad choice cause that stratusphere was pretty weak, but the double stratusfaction was awesome.

  2. I was disappointed that Cena won, but a face obviously needed to win to face The Miz. I just have a bit of a mancrush on CM Punk and was pulling for them to somehow make that work, but obviously it couldn't.

  3. Trish definitely deserved a way bigger pop than what she got last night, but man she is still frickin HOT. I’d stick it in her butt. Also, CM Punk was the shit last night as always. He is the complete opposite of Randy Orton. Maybe Punk like Shang Tsung and instead of stealing souls, he stole Orton personality.

  4. I was pullin for Morrison, CM Punk would be the best style and talent wise, but yeah a face had to win. I wouldn't argue with anyone if they said Punk is the best in biz. today and if headlining was solely based on in ring talent yeah he'd be in, but an Orton / Punk match at WM 27 will kick some ass.

  5. I've done a total 180 on Morrison, he's very impressive and can actually work solid to go along with his high spots. Although every time I hear something about Parkour I think of that episode of The Office where Andy, Dwight, and Michael try it.

    Trish looked mighty fine. I like the dark hair. The hooker boots were a nice touch, it was too bad they ended up helping her biff a spot like you said.

    Rey and Edge were phenomenal. Orton definitely has the personality of a dead moth.

    I completely admit I don't care what they do with Taker tonight. Maybe I'll feel differently after we watch RAW tonight.
